
Getting Real About My Body After Baby

06.03.2021 — Ashley Tisdale-French

I feel like this post is for everyone who looks in the mirror and thinks they should look better, especially after just having a baby. Instagram can really fuck with your head…like really fuck with your head. There are so many models and influencers that I’ve compared my own personal journey in “bouncing back” to. And then, I’m like wait they just had a baby and they look like that??

I’ve worked my butt off. Whether it’s hiking, pilates, riding on my Peloton, and yet, I still don’t feel comfortable in my body. Yes, I started to fit into some jeans again, but not the size I was wearing before. Everyone keeps saying that it takes time—it takes time growing the baby and it takes time losing the baby weight. And you know what? That’s the truth.

I was recently at a friend’s place and two moms who just had babies were there saying how great I looked and that they wished they could fit into jeans. Here they were thinking that I looked great and yet I’m at home looking in the mirror thinking I could look better. That’s when I realized we can’t compare our bodies to each other.

Everyone is going to have a different journey and it’s important to not communicate negative feelings towards our own bodies. Thoughts like “you’re not good enough, you could look better” have to stop! And they especially need to stop when realizing that your body just created and gave life to another human being.

The bottom line: be kind to yourself and fill yourself up with love. It’s okay to set a goal and be inspired by others, but we should all truly love ourselves and our bodies in every season. It’s easier said than done and I know there have been stages in my pregnancy where I have felt uncomfortable. I’m still dealing with plantar fasciitis, but even I’m working on not comparing myself to others and their post-baby journeys. Love yourself first!



Ashley Tisdale-French
Ashley Tisdale is a mom, the founder of Frenshe, and an entertainer.