We’ve all, at one time or another, started the day off on the wrong foot. It—how do we put this delicately?—sucks, especially because a lot of the time, it makes us feel like there is no coming back from it. But there are definitely things you can do to ensure happier mornings and set yourself up for a great day (and there are some morning activities to avoid, too). Here’s how to wake up in a good mood.
Release some tension
Starting your day relaxed and stress-free can help you feel more energized. A great way of doing that is by stretching for as little as 10 minutes, something you can do under the covers and before you even open your eyes. Stretching releases endorphins, increases blood flow, improves mobility, and more. Have time for a run or workout? Do that first, and stretch for optimal results!
Take a shower
Showering in the mornings is a great way to wash off the sweat from the night before, and there’s no denying splashing water on your face is a great way to help with waking up. If you can, finish with a burst of cold water for added, long-term health benefits. Finish up with a hydrating lotion that makes you feel good.

Being Frenshe Citrus Amber Milky Body Lotion$12.75
Even if your morning doesn’t involve running through a sunny, blooming flower field, our Being Frenshe Citrus Amber Milky Body Lotion gives you that same blissed-out feeling. Smells like sparkling lemon, zesty clementine, orange blossom, and golden amber—it just makes you feel happy. And guess what? It’s on sale this week.
Try a natural, mood-boosting adaptogen
Ashwagandha is an ancient Ayurvedic herb with many proven health benefits. It can be taken at night to help improve your sleep quality or in the mornings as a way to reduce stress and provide an added energy boost. There is no right or wrong way to consume it, but if you experience an upset stomach, pair it with breakfast or a snack. We like it as tea, an Ashwagandha churna ball, or tablets if you’re looking for an easier, quicker solution.
Have a hearty breakfast
You’re probably tired of hearing about how breakfast is the most important meal of the day by now, but it’s still true. Eating something first thing gives both your body and your brain the necessary energy to get through the day. Having the right amount of veggies on a daily basis has been shown to increase happiness and improve overall mental health.
Try adding some colorful vegetables to an omelet in the morning, or preparing some veggie-packed egg muffins or breakfast burritos to keep in your freezer for days when you don’t feel like cooking.
Play some music
Music has been linked to better brain function, lower cortisol levels, better immune systems, and even increased creativity. Plus, most people will agree that listening to their favorite songs makes them happier regardless. Create a playlist to play as you go through your morning routine, and we’re sure you’ll be smiling before long.
Is there anything you do to make yourself happier in the morning that we didn’t add to this list? We’d love to hear about it over on our Instagram. Drop us a DM at @frenshe.