presented in partnership with Needed
Hey everyone—I’ve been getting some questions about my day-to-day pregnancy routine, so I thought I’d share a look at a day in my second-trimester life. Here’s what’s helping me feel my best during pregnancy #2, from my exercise plan to pregnancy cravings to the Needed prenatal vitamins that my doula recommends. (Use code ASHLEY20 for 20% off at Needed, btw!) Read on to see what I’m up to these days.
7:00 am
I like to wake up before Jupiter does, just to ease into the day. The first thing I do is open the bedroom curtains (and a window if it’s warm outside) and start my morning with a guided meditation. That’s a moment for me to breathe deeply, feel grounded, and set positive intentions.
7:30 am
When Jupiter wakes up, we spend some time snuggling and talking about what we’re excited for today.

8:00 am
Breakfast! This is also the time when I take my prenatal vitamins. My obstetrician and doula both recommended Needed prenatal vitamins because they’re so high-quality. Plus, I love how they’re available as capsules or in powder form. Today, I’m making a smoothie with the Prenatal Multi Powder—the vanilla flavor really gives my morning smoothie a nice boost. I also add a scoop of their single-ingredient Collagen Protein to ensure I’m getting enough protein. (If you want to try Needed, use code ASHLEY20 for 20% off.)
8:45 am
Time to take Jupiter to preschool. Drop-off goes well (she loves being with her little friends—it’s so cute!) but rush-hour traffic is rough on the way back. I practice deep breathing while hoping that I’ll make it to the Frenshe office in time for the first meeting of the day. I do, but just barely.

9:30 am
Morning Zoom meeting with the Being Frenshe team. Some of us are in Los Angeles, and others are on the East Coast, but we work well together despite being thousands of miles apart. Our topic for today is deciding what we’re going to do for Being Frenshe’s second birthday, which is just around the corner. Should we do an event? A giveaway? Both? After lots of discussion, we come up with a game plan.
11:00 am
It’s a sunny day and I have a break before my next meeting, so I head to Maru in Los Feliz for a break. It’s my favorite coffee shop in LA because their coffee is excellent and the baristas are really friendly. Plus, you can’t beat the people-watching. On my way back to the office, I pick up two big salads from All Time—one for Chris, who’s working from home, and one for me and the baby. My pregnancy cravings haven’t been too wild this time around, but I notice that my energy is great when I eat plenty of vegetables.

12:00 pm
Another Being Frenshe meeting. This time, I’m meeting with the innovation team to go over some top-secret plans for 2025. They’ve FedExed me some lab samples and after a few rounds of tweaking the formula, we’ve finally gotten it just the way we want it! I’m so happy about it. That’s all I can say for now.
1:30 pm
We’re renovating our mudroom, so I pop in to check on how everything is going. So far, so good.
2:00 pm
Work meetings are done a little early, so I take the opportunity to work on the nursery mood board. I loved designing Jupiter’s nursery and I’m excited to do it one more time. For this baby, I’m hoping to create a space that will feel calming and soothing for us as we begin as a family of four. (I’ve also learned how necessary it is to have a comfortable chair for those 2 a.m. feedings!)
3:00 pm
Chris picks up Jupiter from school and we have a snack together. It’s fun to hear her talk about all of the fun she has with her friends. I hope she always keeps her sense of wonder.
4:00 pm
No in-person Pilates class today, so I stream a prenatal yoga flow. Staying active, but doing more gentle exercises, helps me feel more comfortable in my body as the baby grows. And grows.
5:00 pm
Tonight we’re making veggie stir-fry for dinner. Quick, simple, delicious. It’s my night to cook, and Jupiter is excited to help. I tell her that washing the veggies is a very important job and that this is her big-girl job for tonight.
Chris, Jupiter, and I sit down together for dinner. Our evening meal is such a meaningful everyday ritual for me, especially as Jupiter has more to talk about and share from her day at preschool. Chris is on kitchen cleanup duty while I run a bath for Jupiter. We’re using a Being Frenshe Milky Bath Bomb in Lavender Cloud, which is such a relaxing scent. Then it’s time for a bedtime story and snuggles before lights out. I call my sister for a quick catchup. She’s a real estate agent and I love hearing about what she’s doing (and the houses she’s seeing).
6:00 pm
6:45 pm
7:30 pm
8:00 pm
Chris and I relax on the couch and see what’s streaming. It takes us 15 minutes to decide on a show, but then we’re all in—for at least one episode, anyway.
9:15 pm
A quick shower before bedtime—again with Lavender Cloud, but for me, it’s the body wash and mist. After brushing my teeth and doing my skin care routine, I put on my pajamas. I turn off my phone, pick up my pen, and journal for 10 minutes so I can fall asleep without overthinking. Then it’s off to bed and I’m usually asleep around 10!